
Frequently asked questions

What is the initial investment?

There is no initial investment. You will receive a 90-minute complimentary session so we can ensure that we understand your business and to see which service suits you.

What are the ongoing fees?

Your ongoing fees are based on the service you select. After our initial consultation, we will provide you with a scope of works and a fee proposal. The service and fee are both based around what you need to grow your new homes business.

What services do you provide?

Spectrum services include:

Home Design &
Business Coaching

Is training provided?

Yes definitely! Training is provided. This is dependent on what service offering you choose.

Do I need to change my business name?

No. We understand that for many years you have spent time and money on your business name and building your brand, so it would not benefit you to change your business name. We prefer to work with what we have and improve upon it.

Why should I join the Spectrum Family?

Joining the spectrum family allows you to have resources at your fingertips and be introduced to likeminded builders that like to collaborate and learn from each other.

Joining a group / coach to help you with your business can be a difficult decision, so here are some reasons to help make the choice a little easier.

  1. We have specialists in all areas of this industry to help you grow your business, and we have all worked in the new homes industry.
  2. You choose the service you want based on what your business needs
  3. You don’t have to change your business model – we use the foundation that you have already laid and build on it

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