When the going gets tough, I look to my son

It always makes me smile when someone tells me they can’t achieve something, but I’m able to teach them the skills to execute it successfully. There’s no better feeling in the world than adding value to a business like that and seeing my clients succeed.

Every day I coach, mentor and write strategies because I believe in what I do and know that my solutions work for new homes businesses. However, in my personal life I don’t always have the same optimism. I tend to doubt and dismiss certain situations and it often takes my son to show me that nothing is too hard.

For those of you who don’t know, my son Jayden was diagnosed with Autism in 2017. About a year ago, I wrote a blog about how Jayden teaches me that I can achieve anything I put my mind to, no matter what life throws my way.

Starting Little Ninjas

Recently, I enrolled Jayden in karate or Little Ninjas to help with his discipline and strength. At first, I was apprehensive that he wouldn’t stand still or follow instructions in class or that it would be too overwhelming for him.

While it started with “I don’t want to go”, as soon as we entered the hall this changed to “bye Dad!” as he went off and played with his friends. When the instructors yelled “stand on the line”, to my surprise, he stood. His technique needed work, but it was only the first week after all.

As the weeks went on, Little Ninjas became routine. Every now and then I doubted that Jayden would understand the instructions but, like always, he proved me wrong. He would look at me as if to say, “Dad, I got this.”

More weeks went by and Jayden’s love for karate grew, his technique got better, and each move slowly became second nature. Then it came time for his grading – a one hour class compared to the usual 30 minutes. Again, I became nervous and started to question… “Will he last the whole time?”, “Will he remember the moves?” and most importantly “Will he enjoy it?”

Once again, Jayden proved me wrong. He passed his grading and looked at me as if to say, “stop worrying!”

What’s the lesson?

Sometimes it’s okay to worry and feel what we feel – whether it be about our kids, our jobs, or our businesses – as long as we have a plan to overcome those feelings and move forward with life.

For my clients who feel this way about sales or their business as a whole, I provide strategies specific to the need, so it’s a little different. However, that same feeling of not being able to achieve something is the same. Sometimes the solution is to simply let life take its course – it’s that way for Jayden.

Anytime I have feelings of not being able to achieve something in my business I look at my son and think, “wow”. If he can achieve what he has in the last two years, then running a business should be a walk in the park.

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