Spectrum Speaks Newsletter – Vol. 4 | APRIL 2021

Hi everyone,

Here we are in April 2021! We’re happy to see that we’ve reached a level of ‘COVID normal’ for our construction industry, And whilst some builders are suffering delays and price increases, we have seen some positive progress too. Businesses are welcoming their teams back into the office and clients are excited to see their projects finally making some good progress again.

Over the past few months, Spectrum Lawyers have been heavily focused on advising their clients on their rights to claim extensions of time, variations, suspensions and termination of contracts. Whist Spectrum Coach have been busy assisting their clients with how to progress jobs so that they can get to site as efficiently as possible, as well as how to lock in new sales to maintain profits.

Here’s some key updates since our last newsletter:

  • Spectrum Coach and Spectrum Lawyers have permanent offices located in Williamstown. This means we are now able to offer the option of training sessions and appointments at our offices, but we also continue to visit our client’s offices.
  • As Spectrum Lawyers continues to expand, we are excited to welcome a new lawyer to our team. Maria has recently joined us at Spectrum Lawyers and we will introduce her to you all in the very near future.

Stay well,
Spectrum Coach & Spectrum Lawyers

What’s your 2021 plan?

Written By Fred Abu Elias

With 2020 now behind us, it’s time to look to the future. And if we have learnt anything from the events of last year, it is always to have a contingency plan and be willing to adapt.

Personally, I saw a lot of great builders who I coach put their tools down and become exceptional sales consultants. Builders that are part of the Spectrum family recognised that they needed to shift their focus onto sales 80% of the time and building homes the other 20% of the time. They left the work site and adapted to the demands of their business.

I saw these building companies execute sales processes, call to action campaigns and take themselves out of their comfort zones to deliver some fantastic results by the end of 2020. The only reasons they were able to deliver strong results was because they were willing to change. Some had no choice but to change and they weren’t too proud to ask for help.

Moving forward into 2021, it is time for builders, or any business owner for that matter to reflect on what they went through always done is what you should always do. You need to make sure you have a plan for 2021 – and even 2022.

What’s your sales plan?

Sales plans are usually based around numbers, and measured around best practice.

Generally we look at how many leads we get and then measure our business from how many leads we can convert to an appointment. This is all fine if we set a benchmark to achieve, however, sometimes businesses forget to plan how they’re going to generate leads. Now, you might say we do a lot to generate leads with advertising, but it depends on the type of advertising you’re
running. Are you running brand campaigns or promotional campaigns aimed at creating urgency? Quite often as builders we showcase or advertise what we do, how we do it, or what we sell.

It’s still fine to have a plan to generate leads, most of the time builders will aim to get a name and number. I do it myself, I will sometimes giveaway free advice but ask the potential lead to give me their name and email. It’s what we then do with those details that matters. Quite often we have to repeat this process to then generate a lead that then moves through the cycle of a sale.

When creating a sales plan to generate substantial leads, leads that will move through the cycle, look at what you’re selling and whether it creates urgency. Will it make someone want to pick up the phone?

We work with a variety of builders, so not all campaigns will be relevant, but here are a few examples:

  • Promotion – give away items
  • Sell your process, regardless of how long it takes
  • Create credibility by showcasing your knowledge

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